
Maine Silent Film Festival to play at historic Alamo Theatre in Bucksport

On Wednesday, July 24, and Thursday, July 25, both days from 7 to 9 p.m., the Maine Silent Film Festival will play at the Alamo Theatre in Bucksport. Two feature films will run: Timothy’s Quest and Yankee Doodle in Berlin, along with several shorts all accompanied live on the piano by Doug Protsik.

The Alamo Theatre opened in 1916, and it is one of the oldest operating cinemas in Maine. A more perfect backdrop for silent films could hardly be found.

The Maine Silent Film Festival draws largely from the Harpodeon library of now more than nine hundred titles, it eschews the commonplace and strives to shine a light on the forgotten, no matter that it targets a far smaller audience than it may have done if it stuck to the “heavy-hitter” fare.

The deserve attention, those little-scene rarities, and to be screened theatrically and with live accompaniment is the single best way to introduce an audience to them.


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