A Nashville tradition is coming to Westchester on Saturday — music lovers can experience the creativity of a songwriters’ circle at Bethany Arts Community in Ossining.
Slated to kick off at 8 p.m., the event features five accomplished singer-songwriters from the Hudson Valley to New York City. Read on for more details.
A songwriters’ circle typically consists of several songwriters and musicians, performing their original works live and offering each other feedback.
According to a press release provided by Bethany Arts, this songwriters’ circle will feature performers sharing the stories behind their work, “in the spirit of Nashville and the famous Bluebird Cafe.”
Seating arrangements put the audience “up close and personal” to the performers.
“Experiencing this music and the stories behind the songs in such a unique setting is truly magical,” the release says.
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The lineup Nev A singer-songwriter from New York, Nev says his sound encompasses “neo soul music, rock and jazz with notes of everything else”.
Check him out on Instagram: @nevsings.
Greg Jacquin Hudson Valley-based indie folk/alternative country singer songwriter Greg Jacquin has played hundreds of shows throughout the Empire State, and has toured the West Coast. He’s released two albums: The EP “Hudson River” in 2018, and the LP “Clocks Slow Down” in 2019.
Check him out online at: gregjacquinmusic.com, facebook.com/gjacquinmusic and on Instagram @gregjacquinmusic.
Siobhan O’Malley New York City-based Siobhan O’Malley plays a mix of folk-pop-rock and has released three critically-acclaimed albums. After taking a break from performing to focus on her family, she’s “delighted to be playing out again” and can often be found playing shows in the city with the New & Used Songwriters’ Collective and the O’Malley Family Band.
Check her out online at: siobhanomalley.com, facebook.com/siobhanomalleymusic and on Instagram @siobhanomalleymusic.
Christina Picciano Christina Picciano — who is described as a seasoned queer songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and performer — is an Artist in Residence at The LOFT LGBTQ+ Center in White Plains and a recipient of an Employment Program Grant from Creatives Rebuild New York. According to the press release from Bethany Arts, Picciano utilizes music and advocacy to empower her community and address social justice issues along with her band All My Friends.
Check her out on Instagram: @christinapic
Lucas Maehara Rotman Lucas Maehara Rotman, who is based in Brooklyn, is a “storyteller of the human experience”. He blends the “whimsical and the profound” to create a sound as “diverse as the influences that have shaped his journey.” His live performances are described as intense and playful.
Check him out online: lucasmaehararotman.com, facebook.com/lucasmaehararotmanmusic and on Instagram @lucasmaehararotmanmusic.
If you go What: Heart and Beat Music presents: Westchester Songwriters’ Circle
When: 8 p.m. Saturday, March 9.
Where: Bethany Arts Community, 40 Somerstown Road, Ossinning
Tickets: $20 in advance (online), $25 at the door.
More info: Go to bethanyarts.org/calendar/songwriterscircle3924/ or call 914-944-4278.