
Solving Global Social Challenges Showcasing Japan’s Start-ups to the World

Guest speakers from Médecins Sans Frontières and more

Atmospheric water generator (AWG) – Ai Heart

Earthquake resistance coating – Aster

A “magic floor” that prevents injuries from falls – Magic Shields

Innovative Japanese start-ups with global ambitions will be gathering in the heart of Tokyo on March 15, showcasing the solutions they offer to help solve the world’s biggest social and environmental challenges to a panel of international experts who will assess their growth potential overseas.

TOKYO, March 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Representatives of innovative Japanese start-ups with global ambitions will be gathering in the heart of Tokyo this week on March 15. They will showcase the solutions they offer to help solve the world’s biggest social and environmental challenges. A panel of international experts will assess their growth potential overseas.

Various industry experts, ranging from venture capitalists to media professionals and international NGOs, namely Médecins Sans Frontières, Mundi Ventures, J-BIG, and more, will provide the Japanese innovators with hands-on feedback and advice on their global expansion plans. The experts will be joining this event in person or online from overseas. 

The event is supported by the government of Tokyo, the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper and the Office of Economy and Commerce at the Spanish Embassy in Japan. It will be co-hosted by Japan’s solutions-focused news service J-Stories and the Mainichi national daily’s start-up accelerator, Mainichi Future Creation Lab.

The event also aims to explore the latest trends in social initiatives and the possibility of “inclusive innovation” Japan-based start-ups could leverage.

The inaugural Japan Global Innovators’ Forum (JGIF) will invite promising Japanese start-ups from three specific categories: Age Tech, Disaster Tech, and Clean Energy. The main language of the event is English, with simultaneous interpretation provided via zoom available through participants’ own device (i.e., smartphone, earplugs) onsite. We look forward to having you at the venue for face-to-face networking after the panels.

Register here →

[Event Overview]

“1st Japan Global Innovators’ Forum (JGIF)”
Date: Friday, March 15, 2024
Time: 18:00 to 20:00 Tokyo time (doors open at 17:30)  / 10:00 a.m. to noon CET (Central European Time); 
Networking event from 20:00 to 21:00 for on-site participants only.
Where (Physical venue): Tokyo Innovation Base (TiB) in front of Yurakucho Station, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Format: Hybrid (150 on-site participants / 150 online participants)
Language: English (with simultaneous interpretation in Japanese via ZOOM *please use your own devices – smartphone and earplugs)
Organizers: J-Stories, Mainichi Future Creation Lab
Partners and Supporters: The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TiB partner), The Mainichi Newspaper, The Embassy of Spain’s Office of  Economy and Commerce, Pacific Bridge Media & Consulting (PBMC)

Participating Start-ups: Start-ups focusing on Disaster Tech, Age (Silver) Tech and Clean Energy…AND MORE!

Participating Commentators’ Countries of Origin: Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, USA, Japan, among others.

Tickets: ¥1,500 for on-site participants (includes snacks and drinks for networking event); free for online participants. On-site participants are requested to bring two business cards.

Register here →

[ Program (Tentative; subject to change)]

Part 1: Case Study and Feedback (18:00-19:30 Tokyo time / 10:00-12:00 CET)

Group 1: Disaster Tech (30 minutes)
<Participating start-ups>
– Aster: Provider of earthquake resistance coating
– Ai Heart Japan: Provider of atmospheric water generator/AWG

Johan Martens, Innovation Manager, Doctors Without Borders (Netherlands)
Matthew Romaine, Co-founder & Managing Director, Shizen Capital (Japan/USA)

Group 2: Age Tech (30 minutes)
<Participating start-ups>
– Magic Shields: A “magic floor” that prevents injuries from falls
– Assist Motion: “Wearable” robotic suit

Bjoern Eichstaedt, Publisher, J-BIG (Germany)
Yoko Kojima, Head of ESG, Mundi Ventures (Spain)

Group 3 : Clean Energy (30 minutes)
<Participating start-ups>
-Ability: Portable hydrogen cartridges for mobility
-Challenergy: Wind power generation without blades

– Jan Lozek, Founder & Managing Director, Future Energy Ventures (Germany/Spain)
Hirokazu Yamaguchi, Founder & CEO, Beyond Next Energy  (Japan)

Part 2: Roundtable Discussion (19:30-20:00 Tokyo time / 11:30-12:00 CET)
Topic: How Can Social Innovators in Japan Shine on a Global Stage?
– Exploring Japan as a Pioneer Nation in Global Challenges: Unveiling the Sectors Capturing Worldwide Interest
– Navigating the Future: Unpacking the Latest Trends in Impact and ESG Investing on the Global Stage
– Pioneering Change: Can Japan Lead the World in Nurturing “Zebra” Companies and “Inclusive Innovation”?
– Insights and Strategies: Leveraging Advice from International Venture Capitalists to Make a Global Impact

Jeff Char, Founder & CEO, SOGO Energy (Japan/USA)
Yoko Kojima, Head of ESG, Mundi Ventures, (Spain/Japan)
– Others/TBA

Toshi Maeda, Founder and Executive Editor, J-Stories
– Sayuri Daimon, Former Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Writer at The Japan Times

Part 3: Networking Event (20:00-21:00 Tokyo time) (Tokyo/TiB venue only)

Light refreshments and soft drinks will be served, and participants will have an opportunity to chat with each other. (Please note that alcohol will not be served due to the restrictions at the venue.)

For event inquiries, please contact the organizers at [email protected] 

【For media registration】  
If you are a journalist/media member coming to the venue for coverage, please enter “discount code” [ MEDIA ] for media only invitation with free entrance.

【For media inquiries】
PBMC CEO Toshi Maeda
phone:+81- 50-5527-0955   email:[email protected]


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