
Does Canada’s Foreign Affairs Dept. have an anti-Semitism problem?

Scratch the surface of Melanie Joly’s ministry and one will see there seems to be a problem within Foreign Affairs

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Is Canada’s foreign policy dominated by Jew-hating bigots?

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Good question. Listen to what one of our most senior diplomats had to say:

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“Israelis exercise an unhealthy influence over North America. There is no other influence on government which remotely approaches the influence of the Israeli lobby. They have infiltrated government, there’s no question about it.”

He pauses.

“When I offended ZOG, it was obviously no problem whatever to have me dismissed.”

The speaker is Ian Verner Macdonald, Canada’s second-most powerful diplomat in the Middle East for many years. The ZOG he is referring to is the “Zionist Occupied Government.” ZOG is the acronym that is popular among neo-Nazis and Jew-haters to describe the democratically-elected governments of the West.

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Among Macdonald’s friends – among those he’d given support to, and a place to meet and sleep – was the Grand Wizard of the Canadian Knights in the Ku Klux Klan. All while Macdonald was a senior Canadian diplomat, one who received promotion after promotion for years. One who was described by his superiors as “exceptional” and “brilliant.”

Macdonald is dead now, occupying a spot in Hell alongside his fellow Hitler freaks and cross-burners. But, when one looks at yesterday’s photo of Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly smiling and gripping the hand of Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, one has to wonder:

Are people like Ian Verner Macdonald still running the place? Does Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs still have an anti-Semitism problem?

Because it sure looks like it.

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This writer has long held the view that Joly is one of the the worst cabinet ministers in the country’s history. But, even for her, clutching Abbas’ hand like a child on a school trip was going way too far. The uncontradicted evidence is that Abbas is a corrupt, venal Holocaust denier who has applauded Hitler and regularly likens Jews to Nazis.

There was Joly, cheerfully clutching Abbas’ claw – Abbas, the aging Jew-hating racketeer, one who even Hamas will not give the time of day. But perhaps it makes sense.

After all, Joly is the minister who, in just the past week or so, has reinstated funding to a United Nations organization whose employees participated in the barbarity of October 7; moved to choke off the legal sale of non-lethal military exports to Israel; and whose government is trying to prevent Jews from keeping kosher religious dietary laws.

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Scratch the surface in her department, and one will see there seems to be a problem within Foreign Affairs. Here are just a few examples:

– Middle East Relations desk officer Jessica Yassine has posted on her social media platforms statements to the effect that Israel is “massacring” people, and has attacked the Ontario government for “crushing Palestinian activism;”

– Women, Peace and Security Ambassador senior advisor Panthea Pourmalek, who has promoted statements that the Jewish state is in “moral decay;”

– Middle Eastern Relations specialist Lamya Hussain, who has written essays for “Electronic Intifada” suggesting that Hamas-era “fallen soldiers” are “martyrs;”

– Senior Gulf States Desk Officer Omar Alihashi, who once wrote that “channels should be opened between Canadian diplomats and … Hamas and Hezbollah.”

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Media representatives at Global Affairs were asked if any of the above were considered acceptable by their department – and, if so, why? And, if not acceptable, what steps would be taken to discipline or remove those people from senior roles representing Canada?

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Department spokesman John Babcock responded: “Global Affairs Canada (GAC) takes these types of comments very seriously. When using social media or other electronic media to network for professional, personal, or official use, employees must abide by the Code of Values and Ethics… The department is taking appropriate actions to verify and manage the situations accordingly.”

This writer authored a book about all of this in 1992, called Unholy Alliances. Ian Verner Macdonald was interviewed for it. Macdonald, who died two years ago, was always slippery about how someone like him could survive, and even prosper, within Canada’s Foreign Affairs ministry.

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A man who would write memos about “Negro excesses” and was investigated by the RCMP’s Security Service for passing trade secrets to rogue Arab states.

A man who even wrote that Jews exercised “inordinate and dangerous influence (in Canada’s) national and international affairs,” and who are “an alien master” who “control us through a network of agents, collaborators and sympathizers and some outright mercenaries.”

How could someone like Ian Verner Macdonald be allowed to write, and do, such things for so long at Foreign Affairs? How is that even possible?

We could ask the same question about Melanie Joly and her department.

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