Kenosha School District Treats Religion, Political Stances Differently: Opinion
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Does KUSD treat all students the same? How about all political groups? How about all religions? KCE doesn’t think so. We will tell you why.
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(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A 17-year-old student at Bradford High School named Jon Stone started a student group called “High Schoolers For Conservativism.” A teacher, Grant Jacobs, leads the group as its “advisor”. A look at Jacobs’ social media shows that he is a Trump voter and all-around republican. A look at Stone’s social media show a pro-israel stance. Jacobs and the kids in the class talk about limited government, the second amendment and all things red. Jacobs and Stone, both Christians, decided they wanted to pray the rosary during school time. They are both of the Catholic denomination of Christianity and love to pray the rosary every day. They both actually believe God mandates it. So Jacobs met with the Principal about creating a prayer room at the High School. The Principal, wanting to keep his job and not wanting to make such a big decision, contacted the bosses at the Kenosha Unified School District. KUSD gave the green light. There is now a prayer room at Bradford High School. It has a crucifix, the universal symbol for Christians on the wall. Don’t worry, taxpayers, becuase the crucifix was donated. But don’t worry people of other religions, you can use the room too. You can pray, meditate or anything else as Stone is praying his rosary on a kneeler next to the crucifix depicting his savior, Jesus Christ.
Reading the above paragraph, did you start to think it was far-fetched for such a liberal school district? Did you not believe your eyes? That’s becuase the entire first paragraph of this opinion piece is B.S. It never happened – those people don’t exist. None of that stuff is true. What comes next, is the opposite of the first paragraph, and is 100% true according to a KUSD spokesperson.
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(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A 17-year-old student at Indian Trail School named Dalia Musaitef started a student group called “Women’s Rights and Empowerment.” A teacher, Katie Phillips, lead the group as its “advisor”. A look at Phillips’ social media shows that she is a Biden voter and all-around democrat. She makes fun of Melania trump and posts about how much she misses President Obama. She is pro LGBTQ+IA. A look at Musaitef’s social media show a pro-palestine stance. Phillips and the girls in the class talk about LGBT issues, liberal policies, and all things blue. Musaitef and Phillips decided they wanted a space where Musaitef could pray to Allah and Muhammad. Phillips met with the Principal about creating a prayer room at the High School. The Principal, wanting to keep his job and not wanting to make such a big decision, contacted the bosses at the Kenosha Unified School District. KUSD gave the green light. There is now a prayer room at Indian Trail School. It has a muslim prayer rug, the universal symbol for Muslims on the floor. Don’t worry, taxpayers, becuase the rug was donated. But don’t worry people of other religions, you can use the room too. You can pray, meditate or anything else as Musaitef is praying on the prayer rug, a sacred religious item for muslims around the world.

That paragraph was 100% true. With a permission slip from parents, students can go into the muslim prayer room. What’s the difference between the two stories? Why is one true and the other isn’t? Why would KUSD approve one and not the other? Can the church of satan pray in this room? What about scientology? What is someone makes up a religion that requires one have two hours a day for lunch and a 40-minute nap? Where will KUSD draw any lines? This is a slippery slope that KUSD is playing on.
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(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
We asked KUSD Superintendent Jeff Weiss (D) if the district would allow a cross in the prayer room at Indian Trail. No response. We asked him about the possibilities from paragraph #1. Silence.
Here’s the truth, liberals often scream about “Separation Between Church and State.” Not here they aren’t. The muslim prayer room at ITA was actually picked up on by the liberal newspaper her in Kenosha. KCE should note that we wouldn’t normally post photos of a teacher and student in this context without permission but KCE decided since they were happy to be in the local newspaper, they forfeited their right to privacy.
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KUSD and other school district have been hijacked by extreme leftists and we will see more of this in the coming years.