
Donald: Situation in Porgera highlights broader social issues

Shadow Minister for Mining James Donald has expressed his concern regarding the illegal mining situation in Porgera.

Mr. Donald emphasised that the government and stakeholders need to recognise this as not only a security issue, but a humanitarian one as well.

The shadow minister made these remarks in a press statement after the government declared a military call-out to assist the Police with security operations in Porgera for the next six months to combat illegal miners in the special mining lease (SML) area.

Mr Donald said: “While I agree with the need to ensure greater protection of an important national asset like Porgera, we must also recognise why so many locals are risking their lives to take part in illegal mining activities.

“The government continuously told us that New Porgera was a good deal for Papua New Guineans, especially landowners. But yet we see the very landowners and locals who should be benefitting from this mine trespass and look for their own riches.

“There is an obvious lack of opportunity for other means of making a living in the area, and searching for gold is a broader representation of people searching for their livelihood.”

Mr Donald said this six-month call-out will cost millions of kinas to fund logistics for the security personnel deployed to Porgera through plane tickets, hire cars, accommodation, and allowances.

“This is the wider issue I am emphasising: The government is readily prepared to draw down millions of kinas to send armed soldiers to protect the mine, which may possibly lead to an increase in tensions with the locals, but when it comes to allocating millions of kinas to build schools, health centres, and basic services, it becomes very difficult.

“The local people are participating in illegal activities simply because there are no other opportunities for them. We can criticise the hassle they are causing to the mines operation all we want, but when there are no other opportunities in the valley, of course they will take their chances digging for gold.

“And I hope the government has enough funds to support this security operation for six months, because as we know, if you’re asking our security personnel to risk their lives to protect the State but at the same time not looking after their wellbeing, they can easily walk off the job and initiate a ‘free-for-all’ situation,” Mr Donald said.

He added: “A security call-out is only a band-aid solution and another reactionary measure taken by this confused government. After the six months expires and millions of kinas are used, who’s to say the locals won’t go back to illegal mining?”

Mr Donald said that his recommendation is for the government to not only think of a security operation as the only solution but assess what the immediate needs of the people are and fund these socially beneficial projects to stimulate the local economy.

“For example, if the call-out is going to cost excess of K20 million, why can’t the government support K10 million in agricultural projects, and K10 million in educational activities instead? We are only delaying the issue for the time being and not fixing it,” he said.

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