
Their Majesties mark Songkran with traditional rites, rituals at Grand Palace

Their Majesties arrived at 10.20am to attend ceremonies at the Ho Sulalai Phiman, the Phaisan Thaksin Throne Hall, the Ho Phra That Monthien and the Amarin Winitchai Throne Hall.

As part of the ritual, His Majesty also granted an audience to Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn at the Amarin Winitchai Throne Hall.

The rituals began at the Ho Sulalai Phiman Hall, where His Majesty lit candles and poured holy water on Buddha images and a Buddha relic. Their Majesties then headed to the Phaisan Thaksin Throne Hall to pay their respects to the guardian spirit of the country, before paying homage to the relics of the Chakri dynasty’s previous kings at the Ho Phra That Montien Hall.

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