
Women’s History Month Spotlight: ShaKiesha Donley, Partnership and Acquisition Services

What is your proudest accomplishment while working at NNSA?

Serving as Acting Manager for the Specialty Acquisition Branch was one of my most challenging, rewarding, and proudest accomplishments at NNSA. This opportunity allowed me to push myself and face one of my foremost professional fears — managing others. As a working mother, I am proud of how I balanced my managerial workload with motherhood and was successful in both aspects of my life. I was able to keep the momentum of the branch moving forward, gain better insight into the various procurement instruments within the branch’s portfolio, and experience the organization from a unique vantage point. 

I have an enriched understanding of the important work each team member contributes and a greater respect for the leadership team and what it takes to accomplish the mission. Because of this experience, I now know that I have what it takes to hold a management position and am confident in my abilities as an effective leader. I commend the senior executive leaders within our organization for creating this and similar opportunities that promote diversity, inclusivity, and professional development. 

 Tell us something interesting about yourself.

The most interesting thing about me is that I am a mother to three amazing and beautiful human beings — my daughters. My husband and I are very active in our daughters’ lives and strive towards giving them a childhood of which we could only dream. We’re raising our daughters to be kind, strong, fearless, and self-confident. We thoroughly enjoy witnessing them thrive and flourish through each milestone of their lives.

Do you have any highlights from your time supporting NNSA?

I am currently a member of the acquisition team for the Nevada National Security Site Clean Energy Project, which is part of the DOE’s Cleanup to Clean Energy initiative. The goal of the project is to grant qualified developers with a realty agreement for solar generation and energy storage on land within the site. The significance of this initiative is that it is the first of its kind and aligns with the nation’s climate goals of generating carbon pollution-free electricity. I feel fortunate to be a part of this pioneering effort because the results of this initiative will essentially reduce the effects of climate change, thereby improving the planet for future generations to come. I believe this project truly exemplifies the important work that we do at NNSA.

How do you plan to celebrate/commemorate Women’s History Month?

I plan to commemorate Women’s History Month by continuing the work of the women in my family, instilling in my daughters the importance of pursuing their dreams, and celebrating their accomplishments. Honoring our history helps us learn who we are and helps us create our own moments in history by empowering us to dream and build a better future. As many prolific figures in history have taught us, to see progress, we must embody the changes we want to see reflected in the world.

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